The GET-1032 and GET-1008 data loggers now support automatic generation of degree day values for cooling and heating. Using an outside air temperature sensor, the data loggers can calculate the heating and cooling Degree Day values for your local site to provide a more accurate degree day value.
Degree days are a means of calculating the amount of cooling or heating demand based on the outside air conditions over a 24 hour period. They are typically used when performing regression analysis of heating or cooling energy usage. They are also used in agriculture when analysing crop yields and predicting harvest dates.
Normally, degree day information is taken from figures provided by national weather services or dedicated degree day services. These have the disadvantage that they are based on measurements at a limited number of locations and you may not be lucky enough to be located close to one of them.
Using our data loggers to provide your degree day values provides a local degree day reference which can more closely model your environmental conditions. It also allows you set the heating and cooling base temperatures to values that more accurately reflect your process needs.
You have a wide choice of options for the outside air temperature with direct connection of 10K3A1 or similar sensors, M-Bus sensors, Wireless M-Bus sensors, 0-10V sensors, 4-20mA sensors and Modbus sensors being supported by our data loggers. Our GET-1008BC data logger can even take temperature readings from an existing BMS via the BACnet/IP protocol and calculate the degree days for the site.
For further information on degree days, the following sites are well worth reading and